Induction heating as practical preheating and post weld heat treatment to improve the quality in underwater wet welding of fi ne grain structural steels with high carbon equivalents
Authors: Dipl.-Ing. Jan Klett, Dr.-Ing. Oliver Brätz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Knuth-Michael Henkel, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Hassel
In this research project medium-frequency induction
technology was used for preheating and post-weld
heat treatment in underwater wet welding. After the
induction heating was successfully characterised,
both a reduction in the diffusible hydrogen content
and a decrease in hardness in the heat-affected zone
was demonstrated for wet welding application. In addition,
safety issues relating to the use of induction
technology in wet underwater welding were addressed
for the first time. Induction preheating and
post-weld heat treatment was successfully applied by
divers. A T-joint of steel grade S460N with a carbon
equivalent of 0.51% and thus causing a high susceptibility
to hydrogen-assisted cracking, was successfully
wet SMAW welded without cracks.
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