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Defects due to poor preparation of edges prior to welding - and how to avoid them


Virtually all branches of industry have been using welding processes in their metal assembly work for almost 100 years. Techniques and materials are improved every year in the search for increasingly high levels of efficiency. Despite using welding stations on the cutting edge of technology, the stage prior to welding, i.e. preparing the pipe ends to be welded together, is often neglected or done with inappropriate techniques. The result is that, amongst the numerous factors liable to affect welding quality, poor preparation is a recurrent cause. This article goes into detail on these defects and shows how correct preparation can reduce the risk of them occurring.
Pages: 274 - 277:
Issue 5 (2015) Page 274
Issue 5 (2015) Page 275
Issue 5 (2015) Page 276
Issue 5 (2015) Page 277

This article appeared in issue 5 (2015).

Issue 5 (2015)
Welding and Cutting
Issue 5 (2015)
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